It’s wedding season, the sun is shining brightly in Holland (I feel like I’m back in Italy :) ) I just didn’t have the time to write about my masterclass “Cupcakes and Fondant Fancies” at the Peggy Porschen Cake Studios in London. And ofcourse I want to share this wonderful experience with you all.
Cupcakes are becoming a big hit in Holland, as they already are in America and England. I’m loving this upcoming little cake! It’s so sweet, fresh, versatile and fun. What’s not to love about cupcakes?
I love them with all kinds of toppings, flavors and designs.
For me, the queen of cupcakes here in Europe is of course Peggy Porschen! Knowingly or not, you must have seen some of her designs in magazines or on the internet. They are so fun colored, fashionable and romantic ! When I got the chance to take a masterclass “Cupcakes and fondant fancies” with Peggy, I immediately took the boat to London!

During the first part of the masterclass Peggy teached us how to ice cupcakes with liquid fondant. She showed us some "tricks of the trade."
The second part of the masterclass was all about "fondant fancies." They are delicious little "petit fours" covered in liquid fondant as well. Both Cupcakes and the Fondant Fancies can be made in the most beautiful bright and shiny colours. They can match your wedding color scheme wonderfully and are also a good choice if you're on a budget!
Back home I’ve been busy trying some new designs and of course flavors. Right now my favourite is the Lemon Cupcake. It’s nice and fresh during a warm summerday.

Next month I have a few “Cupcakes Only Weddings” coming up. I will share the pictures with you when possible. Most couples do choose a small wedding cake with the cupcakes, so they still have a “cutting cake moment.”
If you want to read more about my trip to London, be sure to also check out the blog on The perfect wedding!
Peggy Porschen is teaching a masterclass for "Alle Taarten" in Wedding Cakes next year (february 2011). If you want more information about this, you can find it here.