The wonderful, sweet and talented Anouschka Rokebrand is not only one of my most favourite wedding photographers in Holland. She and her husband Raymond organize workshops in Holland, taught by worldwide leading wedding photographers. I think it's so amazing Anouschka and Raymond take the time to do all this and still make gorgeous photo's themselves! And I also think it's so wonderful that she creates the opportunity for other photographers to learn and get inspired!

Christine Meijntjes visited Holland recently to teach a workshop wedding photography and Anouscha arranged together with Jo-Anne van der Lelij a styled location for Christine and the students to work in. Guess who was lucky enough to make the cake..? All the vendors I got to meet that wonderful yellow day and work with were so kind and inspiring!

Christine is an amazingly talented wedding photographer from South Africa and co-founder of The Pretty Blog! Just take a look of the photo's she took this day.. More to come in another blog, there is so much eye candy to share! Promise I will talk less and let the photo's tell the story..

And ofcourse the amazing vendors:
Photo's on this blog: Christine Meintjes
Behind the scenes photographer: Gerhard Nel Photography
Photolocation: Landgoed Te Werve
Organisation: Anouschka Rokebrand and
Jo-Anne van der Lelij
Styling: a collaboration between Jo-Anne , Nancy and Brigitte
Ceremoniemeesters van der Lelij: Jo-Anne van der Lelij
Hair and Make-up: Cynthia Heydra for Hey Beauty
Flowers: Pink9Design, Nancy & Edwin
Weddingdress and shoes: Victors Wedding Design
Stationery (by Envelopments): MarryWise, Brigitte Mes
Cake, cupcakes: My Sweet Appetite, Marieke de Korte
Outfit groom: Roka
Videography: Unicorn Wedding Films, Ryan de Wit